Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Prayer Storm

This morning, the Lord led me to a great website with Jim Goll.  If you don't know him, he's a wonderful minister who focuses on intercession.  I've read his book, The Lost Art of Intercession, and will probably reread it now.  It will really "turn your wick up" as my pastor used to say. 
Prayer Storm website

Jesus is interceding for us 24/7.  If we want to be part of what He's doing, intercession is a great way to do that.  It's the foundation for any other type of ministry-- really, it should always be the first thing we do.  Intercession is also a way to minister to the Lord (I received this understanding by revelation from the Lord, so you'll have to research it out for yourself). 

International House of Prayer is another ministry that holds a 24-hour worship and prayer vigil.  The Moravian prayer watch is the model for these ministries, but as Goll points out in one of his videos, this type of ministry was happening back in Davidic times. 

There are quite a few videos on this site, and I watched one before posting this ("The Day of the Watch of the Lord Has Come").  Jim Goll's very inspiring, and a great person from whom to learn intercession.

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